An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem science has with God, The Almighty. He asks one of his new students to stand and….. Prof: So you believe in God? Student: Absolutely, sir. Prof : Is God good? Student: Sure. Prof: Is God all-powerful? Student : Yes.. Prof: My brother died […]
660 BCE – Japan 221 BCE – China 301 CE – San Marino 843 CE – France 976 CE – Austria 10th Century CE – Denmark 1001 – Hungary 1143 – Portugal 1206 – Mongolia 1238 – Thailand 1278 – Andorra
Let it reach the 110 Crores Indians and the remaining if any. Kindly, share this valuable information wherever possible. 1. If you see children Begging anywhere in INDIA , please contact: “RED SOCIETY” at 9940217816. They will help the children for their studies. 2.Where you can search for any BLOOD GROUP, you will get thousand’s […]
Washington, May 18 (ANI): Almost every user likes to share everything on their Facebook page but certain updates can lead to criticism, embarrassment and even job termination. So here’s a shortlist of what you shouldn’t share on the social networking site, reports CBS news.
REMYA was about to leave office after finishing her work. She got a call from her husband, REMYA: “Hello, yes Karthi”. KARTHIK: “REMYA, can you open my gmail and get a print out of the mail from that US consultant I forgot to take it in my office” REMYA: “Yes, I can, I need your […]
Before retiring in July 2008, Bill Gates gave the following advices to high school students. Who knows you will become a second Bill Gates after learning from these valuable advices? 1.
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